
Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a common skin problem of the soles of the feet and webs of the toes. It is related to other fungal infections such as ringworm and jock itch. It causes redness, rashes, itchy and flaky patches. We can say it is the most common fungal skin infection that generally affects more number of men than women. This is because men, mostly wear closed, heavy and tight shoes which lead to grow the fungus. In this post, we are going to tell you some amazing home remedies for Athlete’s Foot.

Mostly athlete’s foot cause scaling, flaking, itching, red round patches on the soles or in between the toes. In the severe cases, these patches form blisters on the soles that releases pus which might then infect the other parts of the body. These blisters might be painful and affect the toenails. The nails might get thickened or dislocated at times, making it difficult for the person to wear shoes or in extreme cases, walk.

Risk factors of athlete’s foot

You are at risk of this problem if you:

  • If you have a weak immune system
  • Frequently wear tight-fitting shoes or damp socks
  • Share shoes, rugs, clothes, bed linens or mats with the person who suffer a fungal infection
  • Walk barefoot in the areas where the infection may spread, like swimming pools, saunas, locker rooms, communal showers and baths

Most of the doctors believe that athlete’s foot is communicable. Also, it can spread by stepping on the same floor as the infected one. Despite these reasons, someone might not get infected by the infection if they are extra cautious about it. Keeping the feet dry is very important as the fungus has been growing fast in moist environments. Following are few points which someone should keep in mind if they think that they might have been infected by the fungus.

  • wash hands with soap water after coming from the infected area
  • To not share towels and keep the linen and towels clean
  • wear socks only after washing them properly. Dry the socks in sunlight after washing those
  • keep the feet always dry and consult a doctor if any doubt
  • clean feet properly twice a day properly and wipe them using a clean towel
  • avoid closed and tight shoes
  • use medications like anti-fungal ointments in order to lessen down the chances of getting infected
  • keep the shoes in the sun to dry out so that the sunlight and air would help to kill the fungus inside the shoes

The above points would help the person to a great extent to dodge the infection. But despite all the steps if someone starts feeling very itchy between the toes of their feet, then they should follow the following steps:

Paste of Garlic and Olive Oil:

Garlic has amazing anti-fungal properties which can help to soothe the rash. Take two clove of garlic and crush it, and mix it with a few drop of olive oil. Put it on the affected area and wash it off after 15 minutes. Repeat it twice daily and just to avoid the fungal revisit, use the same treatment for a couple of weeks.


Yogurt is another product which is easily available in everyone’s fridge that can help to fight the fungus because it contains active bacteria called acidophilus which helps to eradicate the fungus. Eat yogurt for a couple of days to see the effect it has on the foot.


Soak your feet in the mixture of vinegar and water for 15 to 20 minutes before going to bed every night. After soaking out clean the feet with clear water and then wipe it off with a clean towel and then wear socks. Keep in mind the feet are dry before putting on the socks.

Organic Neem Oil:

Organic Neem oil at times is used as a pesticide. Wash your foot and dry it completely. Take a cotton ball with the oil and dab it on the infected area.


It has an essential ingredient which is well known as tannic acid. Tea helps to dry the foot. It has anti-fungal properties and kills the fungus. Soak the infected foot in a solution of 1 quarter warm water and 6 tea bags.

Salt and Baking Soda:

Make a solution of salt water by adding 1 teaspoon of salt for each cup of water used and soak the infected foot into that for 10-15 minutes. Dry the foot instantly and dab some baking soda in between the toes.

These above methods should be used when the situation is under control. In many cases this problem can be cured by the home remedies. In some cases, if the situation is not healing and is worsening, a doctor should be consulted. Below are the signs which indicate immediate attention from a doctor.

  • The rash or patch is getting worse even after the home remedies. This means that the fungal strains are not treatable by the home remedies and need prescribed anti-fungal medication
  • Continuous discharge of pus from the crack with giving painful sensation
  • The infection has spread to the hands leading to rashes and itchy patches on the hands
  • Toenails appearing discolored and thick. It means that the fungus has spread into the toenails. Expert suggestion is required for it


Ginger’s anti-fungal properties are very helpful to treat the infection. Do few small pieces of a ginger and put in water and heat the solution for 20 minutes and Cool the solution , apply it on the infected area. Do it two to three times in a day.

We hope the above mentioned home remedies for Athlete’s Foot will be useful for you!